Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chapter 06 - Summary

Chapter 06 - Composition

In chapter 6, Begleiter talks about designing objects within the frame.

1. - Positive & Negative Space : positive space is the area that defines the object or the figure. Negative space is the space between the objects. Negative space is equally important, as it can foreshadow something that is coming outside of the frame.

2. - Depth in the Frame : changes in scale, overlapping objects, change in focus, and color shifts.

3. - Change in Scale : you can trick the audience into thinking that a set is bigger than it actually is by playing with scale.

4. - Overlapping Objects : viewers eyes judge distance by the depth and density of the super imposed items.

5. - Changes in Focus & Depth of Field : This is a function of the cameras lens length and aperture is used. This is important because it leads the audience to the main focus of that shot - what is in the greater depth of field or what is in focus in a shallow depth of field.

6. - Symmetry : the angle of reflection is an imaginary line that separates the frame into two mirror imaged halves. (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.) Radial symmetry is a point that pivots around one central point to create balance.

7. - Asymmetry : has a variety of forms that aren't mirrored to the other side.

8. - Balance : balance is measured by size, scale, value, color...equal weight on both sides of the frame.

9. - Imbalance : where does the eye go to and where does it return to.

10. - Series : created by a repetitive form or line within the frame. The viewer will be drawn to anything that is not part of the pattern.

11. - Randomness : this is the arrangement of items that has not been manipulated by humans.

12. - Lines and Shapes: Horizontal lines defines the width of the frame. Vertical lines are often found when there is something that defies gravity. Diagonal lines often lead the eyes outside of the frame.

13. - Circles, Squares, Triangles, & more : using other shapes to frame your picture within a rectangular frame.

14. - Contrast : measured in terms of percentage of darkness, black is 100% white is 0% (the absence of black).

15. - Texture : this is the grain and depth of field that is used to create the feel of the film.

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